Begin Again collection - Inspired by 2020.

Begin Again collection - Inspired by 2020.

It's a beautiful afternoon in May 2020, and getting to enjoy a cup of good piccolo latte in a cafe has never felt so good before. Fresh out of a 3 months total lockdown, we were finally allowed to be out again, but with preventive measures in place and a tight SOP to follow. 

We may be allowed to be out again, but for business owners, this is the real beginning of the challenges to come. Plans were changed, collections were delayed, and collaborations were cancelled. The pandemic has hit us hard, but it has also gave us a lot of time to think, to reflect, and to find our direction again. 



The "Begin Again" collection is a collection inspired by 2020, brought together by the time we had and the challenges we faced, and fueled by our determinations to not give up, and to begin again. It's a collection with dual meaning. On one end, it symbolizes a chance to begin again for after being hit by the COVID and lockdown situations that greatly affected our business as well as future plans. From the other perspective, the "Begin Again" collection serves as reminder and a motivations to all, that once all these is over, things will be okay again and we will be able to begin again. If it's not okay, then it's not the end. 



That's the question that appear in our mind every night during that 3 months, and we are sure the same goes to a lot of business owners out there. Sales dropped, payment was delayed, and factories were closed. But it is what it is. It's better to see it as as opportunity, a learning curve, than treating it as a point of failure. 

Having to launch the new collection in the midst of another partial lockdown was definitely not the timing we were hoping for, but we know there are bunch of you guys out there supporting us, cheering for us, and waiting for our next release. And for that, the risks are worthy. We can never be who we are and where we are today without the overwhelming support from all of you, and we will forever be grateful for that. We thank you for all your support and patience all along, and we promise we will stand fighting until the end, for us, and for all of you.